Propane gas connection
The nomadiQ BBQ can be connected to a standard portable gas supply. A common propane fuel tank is Coleman’s or Bernzomatic 1lb. cylinder, which will last approx. 3 hours! This type of canister is lightweight, cheap and available at these hardware or outdoor stores.
This bbq connect to caravan bbq gas bayonet outlet ?
Mark it cannot connect directly to a bayonet as the BBQ was designed around the 453g Camping gas. There could be adaptors, however I am not sure.
Can it run on lpg or does it have to be disposable canisters.
Derek yes it can run on LPG, you would just need a POL to BOM adaptor.
Can it be connected to full size gas bottles
Cazz it is can you just need an adaptor.
Cazz yes you would need a POL to BOM adaptor, available at from any camping store. If you are having trouble finding let me know and I will assist.
Cazz, yes all you need is a POL to BOM adaptor.
Hi can this be gas by a caravan bbq gas bayonet outlet
Hi Shaelagh, I know there are adaptors for the larger bottles. This product was designed around the 453G camping gas. A bayonet fitting I am not sure what is available.
Hi Shaelagh, the BBQ is not designed to connect to the bayonet fitting however there are fittings for larger bottles available.
I see a lot of questions being asked by potential customers, but no replies. Rather concerning.
Hi Lloyd, do you have a question that we have missed?